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Glamour Party
Glamour ...
For me this word means many things ..., Hollywood films of the Belle Epoque, the défilées Haute Couture that I had the chance to visit or to organize in few occasions and the parties that followed them. It is remember me also many others moments "glamorous" when I had lived in New Caledonia or when I had traveled in France and Italy.
Although happy to have done and seeing all this, I am happy now of my life without glamour, with its simple pleasures, but so precious.
I am always amazed by all major fashion designers. And now I live this Glamour life through internet or through stores and I applaud their creations and talents.
This kit that I've prepared is so feminine that I am sure that it will inspire you very much. And we always said that shopping is the best therapy and it is important to do it by shopping cloths or scrapbooking products ...
In addition I will offer baskets Shabby Chic and Glamor, and a magnificent box to alter.
Be inspired by the beautiful creations of my guests. They had all the same kit but they had made very different creations. I am dazzled once again by their had putted in the Gallery.
And to finish in style, I asked Helena Lambert - my October guest - to write a column on framing.
I think it gives a final touch that we need sometimes for our pages and Helena is a great expert in the use of this technique.
Thank you very much Helene!
Good creation!
Creative Photo Frames by Helen Lambert
When I create a page of scrapbooking, I try as much as possible to put in value the photos used by customizing in my own way. Here are few tips that I hope will be helpful and motivate you to further personalize your photos!
1. Doodling
This technique is very simple because you just have to accentuate the contours of the picture. This is what I use most often. Whether through continuous, dotted or otherwise, the Doodle adds a little "more" in the photo.
2. Painting
Recently painting is very popular in the world of scrapbooking. Why not add it on photos?! I often use an old dried brush to get uneven effect.
When the paint is dry, I like to add small details (reasons, lines, etc.) on it with permanent pens.
3. Rub-ons
Personally, I love to use rub-ons! They are existing in all sorts of shapes and lines and they can embroider the outlines of the pictures very easily. Do not be afraid to use different kinds of rub-ons
or to complete with a little bite of Doodling, it will gives you a lot of Punch!
4. Transparencies
There are a lot of transparencies on the market that can be putted directly on a photo, to create a frame and attract attention on it.
In this photo, I first stuck it on a blank transparency and I added different rub-ons at the periphery.
5. "Invented frames"
Like Elsie Flannigan make it, I like to create a customized frames and make it in a style more "Free", as I have on these photos. Let your imagination make it!
6. "Bling-bling"
All that glitters usually attract the eye. Your photo will certainly be highlighted if you put rhinestones around it,
or fantasy snow.
7. Sanding and Scraping
Making photos look older, use a needle: vigorously scratch the outline of the photo and sand lightly. It will look old, without using editing software.
8. Pure Framing Effect
It puts the focus on the photo, regardless of the equipment used to make it. Dare to add various embellishments directly on the photo provides guaranteed success!
And voila! Above all and remember to have fun!