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This month, I will not tell you the history of the Bohemia, even if it was my favorite matter at the University. The gypsy roots, the Czech Republic called formerly "The Bohemia”, the great artists of this world who have made this word a legend, etc and etc ... This month let me miss that great adventure of history.
For me the word "Bohemian" means something very artistic. And I think that is in the fall, "Mother Nature" shows us his greatest artistic palette. And of course, I can not miss out on..
So I used a lot of energy and creativity especially to prepare these beautiful kits for this fall.
A large "Bohemian" kit in autumnal palette: orange, burgundy, green and some blue indigo button to add the bohemian touch ...
3 creative projects:
The "Haunted House" project in which I added a creative album composed of 7Gypsies shaped houses chipboard. You can alter them as you want. (Look at Inspiration).
The "Mixed Media" project. Since I published my envelope you were many to ask me to include it in a one of my kit. And now, at your request, I present this project that I developed and which offers several possibilities. With this kit, you can make a paper album with your precious photos and put them in this envelope.
This project includes beautiful papers of Lynne Perrella which I admire enormously her art talents, paper collage of Prima and beautiful embellishments.
In addition, this month Celine Carbonel has prepared for you a superb chronicle about Mixed Media.
My Mixed Media page is HERE.
My Art Journal that can give you tips is
The "Good Times" is a project to store your good moments in life that you can
forgot with the daily routine, but it is good to remember from time to time when you take a coffee with your friends. And why do not capture them in beautiful pages?
That is what I propose with this project. This project is very happy and very fall simultaneously.
I have decided to do a project on an event which left me many memories. That event is
the Salon du scrapbooking happened last year in Montreal. For all sorts of reasons
this Salon (Trade Show) is no longer exists and therefore it became a story that has remained etched in my memory. Incredible preparation, ideas without stopping, the unlimited support of my husband sharing my passion, the unforgettable encounters, the great innovation of the "Idols Booth”. And my talented guests of whom have created live for 3 days with my kits with all their joys, laughers, stress and creative madness. And of course, the encounter with the lovely and the very talented Celine Navarro who was my guest and has stayed at my house and with which I had made a crop the day after this trade show with other girlfriends. And at the end of all that, the great fatigue who did not leave us long after everything is finished. Ho, what memories!
5 (!) Add-ons including, among others, my favorite product at this time the Glimmer Mist,
Stickles (inevitable), beautiful stamps, albums, flowers, decals, artistic brads , very creative chipboard of Pink Paislee, etc and so on.
3 creative baskets - a new product from Scrapmagie! Look at the Inspiration about this.
3 Roses albums created with my famous Roses kits.
October is the month for the fight against the breast cancer. $ 5 of each Roses kit sold
will go to the Breast Cancer Foundation.
A part of the sales of albums will also be given to the Foundation.
Here are the links to buy the Pink kits:
Pink kit 1
Pink kit 2
Pink kit 3
Pink add-on 3
I also added some kits from the last fall that are still available.
Please note that most of the products included in the kit "Amber 2" are no longer
available on the market. They were discontinued. Like the Orange transparent of Hambly Screen
Prints, the Foof-a-la, the DaisyD’s, etc. So now, all these products are exclusively available on the Scrapmagie web site! ..
The kit calendar includes whatever is necessary to make a schedule for each month
the year. For this kit, I had created a course that I have already given and I still have few kits available. Each month, I will send a Step by Step for a page made for the following month for all those who will buy it!
And the popular kit "From A to Z" which is also a kind of "A Book of Me" with
the material needed.
Good creation!
And now the chronicle of Celine Carbonel about Mixed Media.
We talk in France about mixed techniques in contemporary art but the Mixed Media (MM) comes in reality from the USA. As its name suggests it, it uses all artistic techniques known that can be used to make one single "creation" on different kind of surfaces: canvas, Art Journal, mail art, ATC (small cards that artists exchange), jewelry, objects of everyday life: a box, a furniture, a hanger, a bag…
On the contrary to the scrap (which describes an event, from a photo), the MM can evoke a thought, an imaginary world, using the diverted image or picture. It is an art without any constraint and that let me think it is a Brute Art with its approach to do research and spontaneity but what’s that makes it so popular is because it is built on a powerful creative tool that is the exchange between artists. I even feel that this is what "his soul" is made of.
Thanks to the Internet because discussion boards abound on this subject and are full of creative ideas, new techniques to explore and challenges to do. Artists put their work online and have many exchanges. Associations, zines and workshops are emerging to awake the creativity of everyone: it is a real way to communicate.
When I think MM, these are the words "recycle", "material" and "surprise" that come to my mind.
"Recycle", because it takes the eye to find the image, the object, the small detail that will make your unique achievement. Remember that everything is used, alter and recycle. . But having the eye is also meaning you organize and discuss your findings and explain your personal way to do it, your growing experience and how it is reveal your art. Here, the word is right! The Mixed Media is a reflection of the state of your mind at different time.
"Material", because MM combines different artistic techniques (painting, collage, ink, sewing…) with different recyclable materials or not. The Mixed Media Artist is the one who appropriates all these elements and can use them to tell us a story.
And finally "surprise", because nothing is already written and it is so much better like that! The result is often not the one we expected: it causes accidents and improvisation creates surprises.
I am doing my scrapbooking in the same way by the way. This emergence is a true gift and there you are in a creative process. "Exit" the sketches to make a page, take risks and let yourself be guided by anything that can inspire you: a feeling of childhood, a music, a picture in a magazine…
Everyone can develop his own world and by using his imagination to make a creation with his hands.
Associated to the scrapbooking, the MM gives a unique "artisanal" aspect to a creation, told me some people. I invite you to follow my step by step on the transfer if you want to integrate this technique in your own pages of scrapbooking. The pages I have made with the kit of Marina have been made by using some of these processes: the scrapping collage-which gives an aged appearance once the papers have been inked,
a sewn book page and serving as a background, alcohol and acrylic inks, a small angel found on a paper towel and your page becomes alive in an other way.
Ah! Impossible for me to do not use it! Thanks to it and by using a gesso (white primer most often and less expensive) you can create a structured background page and use your foam stamps, various stamps, fabrics, platelets plastics inside your cakes boxes…
Yes, Yes! Use every smallest small relief that you can get! Incorporate all kind of small objects (stones, cabochons, shells, small pieces of wood, metal…) Then once dry, play with your ink and your pastels to bring relief!
In short, one watchword, have fun! In the french jargon, they are "Mixed MĂ©diateuses" and "patouilleuses": They never fear to try or to have their hands dirty, on the contrary, they love it and have a relation with material sometimes very "sensual".
I often hear… "I am afraid, I do not dare." But what have you to lose? You can only discover yourself, that's all! And this is not so formidable? And when you ask me what my favorite creation is, I always reply: "The next one!"
I hope I have been able in these few lines to inform you about Mixed Media, and maybe even I have succeed to stimulate your creative fiber … Chouette, if so, do not let it go without using it! ;-)