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Thank you very much!
March 31, 2009


I have received all products. I send you boxes tomorrow and after-tomorrow, April 8-9.
Thank you for your patience!


*** Waiting list***

Following the many messages who want buy some baskets or kits; I would like to inform you that you can put your name on a waiting list for the next kit and basket in case one of my customers decided not to buy the kit or the basket that I booked a priority for her.

Please e-mail me to get on our waiting list:

Thank you!


Thank you to all my subscribers who have purchased the April kits and baskets.
Thank you with all my heart to trust me!

Today, I sent the baskets to all those who had subscribed to the baskets.
With respect to kits, I plan to send them next week. Today, I received my order from Maya Road. And I also received confirmation from Webster that they had received the stickers and that my order was sent to me today.

I apologize for that unexpected delay. It is out of my control.

I will present my creations and my step by step throughout the month. The gallery will also fill as soon as I will finish each of those creations.

And I always said the important thing in scrapbooking is to have fun!
Happy creation to everyone!

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