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News and the challenge no. 5
June 29, 2008


All kits purchased and paid for before Saturday, June 28 have been sent. Excuse me for the delay of one day to send them to you ... The delay was caused by a lack of stock of packaging boxes and also because we had here a legal holiday (St. Jean Batiste), which has resulted in a longer period than expected.

I will appreciate if you inform me when you will receive your kits, if you wish.


News, news, news…

You may have already understood that I can not remain inactive. I need to be active and to go forward in life. And if this is not possible physically, I have to do it mentally. So, I prepare something new…

The first thing is that I'll create a blog on a specialized website. I have always refused to do so for all sorts of reasons. But I see that after 1 year and a half, the website of Scrapmagie has become very big and with a lot of informations. And sometime my first clients and especially my new clients have some trouble to find what they seek. It will not be a personnel blog, but rather a creative blog to inspire you in creating even more by using my kits or not.
I expect just resolve some technical issues associated with the creation of this blog… So I can not tell you when will be the opening date at this time.

I have one more new. I am preparing for you step by step on videos. I think that will be very interesting and that will inspire you. I am waiting for my equipments.

And another new - I am moving up my studio from the basement floor. That is a big job, I have to admit… I can not wait to show you my stuff and sharing my discoveries for the storage of my material.
That’s why I am late in realizing the pages with my kits and my challenges….

Many of you who asked me if it is possible to launch, like last year, the August kits before I leave for the CHA and before your vacations, I will activate the August kits in July. I was very happy to know that you take my kits to create during your vacations…. What a good idea! I think I'll do the same thing. Watch for the sneak peeks soon…

That’s it…. I think this is enough for now.
I would be pleased to receive your comments:


The Challenge no. 5: “Missed Photograph”

As I have already said these challenges are not a competition. It is for pleasure, to give you ideas and for me to make some creative challenges that I want to do for a long time. So there is no obligation to perform now and then. You raise these challenges at your own pace and when you want. I always say that the important thing is to have fun….

And now the challenge

Do you take always perfect pictures? I'm not sure… For cons, I am convinced that each photo is valuable to you because it keeps the memory of a precious moment you want to catch and keep.

So even if you miss a photo it can still be valuable. And why not make a page with a missed photograph. It may be a fuzzy photo or a photo where nobody looks at the camera or a photo taken very quickly, etc…

I have already made a page with a fuzzy photo. This page is called: "Missed Photograph" And I have many others like that I will surely use.

Good creation!

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